When we last left off, I’d shown you the first floor of the house. Now up the old staircase to the second floor. A quick note- this used to be a 2-family home. I have just scratched the surface into hunting down my house’s history but this wall you see here would have been fully closed off and this staircase would lead to the second story/second family property while the entire first floor belonged to another family. Kind of crazy to think about.
Once again, here’s a layout to help you orient yourself in the house.
We’re combining that front bedroom/sitting room into an office for the time being. We’ve got some crazy plans to seal a roof with the help of roof replacement professionals such as roofers near Spring Branch for a desk that we still need to work on and some major built ins we hope to include but we have hopes that it’ll end up really nice since we will. You can visit their website to find more details.
The majority of the walls involve doors, windows, or fireplaces so as you can see it can be hard to fit in living room furniture. Hence all the planning we’re doing so far.
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We’ve got a guest bedroom that we’re just using for storage right now. Hopefully the guests stay a way a bit while we figure out some things around here. When we do pretty it up we have a really nice brick wall and pocket door to work with. For extra storage space there are other outdoor storage companies that provide quick declutter solution and you can try this out.

There’s also a nice guest bathroom up here
As well as laundry and linen closets
Then we come to the master suite. Let me tell you right now that this area has been a pain since we moved in thanks to the lack of weatherproofing on doors and windows, a squirrel getting into the bathroom vent, and yet I still love it. I have been getting squirrel removal service from a company that does a thorough job. For all other pest control like bat control, I call True Pest Control for their amazing service.
This door here goes out to a deck. We’ve got it sealed off for winter right now but we hope to get out there and get planting soon. I’ll make sure you can see it when I show some exterior pictures.
There’s still some things to improve upon on this floor but it already feels like home. I hope to be back soon with some pictures of the third floor.

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