I’ve been working on a few projects in the yard. First up, a status check on that front flower bed:
Last year’s drought was tough on this bed so the plants that made it are real survivors. We lost all the dwarf rhododendron early on and both the azaleas and one hydrangea were lost by late summer. We still have the hydrangea on the left and it’s getting a solid leaf base early on. The pink and white rhododendron in the back–are both purple but very alive so we’ll take them. We added six geraniums last year that stayed green all winter and we’ve got a clematis climbing the trellis in the middle. There are some plants to replace but it’s looking alive again.
My corner flower bed has a project going on that’s about 90% complete. I’ll share it soon but here’s a hint:
Last week I saw flurries again. Can you believe it? Last year I was trying not to turn on the AC and this year it is snowing a month past spring. In the same week I saw 90 degree temperatures and two trips to the basement for tornado sirens. And it’s flooding. Welcome to Missouri.
I’ve got another project about 40% complete. One day I came home from work to catch my husband digging in the yard. He’d gotten off work early and decided to start another flower bed. Forget a nap or a beer, he likes working after work. We’ve planted a shipment of hostas, a new jack frost brunnera and my lovely coworker just gave me some elephant ears that are likely to end up in here too. We’ve filled the car up with mulch twice but we’ve only gotten so far. Compared to a photo two summers ago, I think the yard is finally making some progress.
I decided not to finish any of these projects today. Sure I could have but I’ve been running around working like crazy, gardening, cooking meals for the week, and planning my high school reunion. Then I saw this face and realized you have to make time for the important things in life, like playing with a pitbull and her ball.
How could I resist a face like that?

I am building my own brand and LOVE gardening! Always searching Pinterest for updated ways to recycle or improve on my own garden. I have been saving Kureg coffee pods for my daughter and the grounds for her garden along with egg shells and an idea occurred to me; that using the Kureg pods and egg cartons would be a great way to utilize and recycle both items!
So, take the egg carton, place the used Kureg pods in the slots, take label off top, empty grounds, poke more wholes for drainage but usually has a hole where it was used in machine. Then place gardening soil in each pod and plant your seeds! Take the whole thing to a sunny place or your porch or deck and WALLAH instant seeding bed! Hope you enjoy and my site is hoosiercharmllc23533.jigsy.com! Not released yet but coming very soon with many ideas and Home and Garden ideas of my own; as well as creative items for purchase. See you soon!